Financial support is available to you. You can find general support and advice on health costs, welfare, benefits, and the blue badge scheme below. Please be aware not all grants and funding are means tested.
If you need additional help, a grant might be the right choice for you. We have provided a list of local to Lincolnshire and National financial support grants to help you get the support you need.
If an individual has an ongoing disability or condition, which may restrict and impair them, they may be eligible for a Blue Badge. The badge is provided to be displayed in the car, when parking, to allow an individual to park closer to their destination.
A Blue Badge costs £10 and lasts up to 3 years and applications are made online, via the link below.
Email: disabledcarparking@lincolnshire.gov.uk
Website: https://
Citizens Advice can provide individuals with information and support with benefits, work, debt, housing, law and legal issues, consumer and immigration questions and issues. The service is free and provide independent and impartial advice.
The service provides support via phone, email and in person; to find each centres contact details, please search your postcode via the link below.
Website: https:/
Individuals living with cancer, are eligible for free NHS prescriptions, through a medical exemption certificate. This eligibility is regardless of income, savings, and employment status, however individuals not originally born in the UK should speak with the below number to ensure eligibility.
To access a medical exemption certificate please speak with your GP.
Contact: 0300 330 1341
Website: https://
If an individual is living with a life-limiting or terminal illness, including cancer, they can access an assessment and help in understanding what financial help is available to them.
The Welfare and Benefits team can provide support with:
- Discussing the benefits an individual may be entitled to
- Supporting with applying for benefits and grants
- Supporting with applying for Disabled Blue Badge applications, if applicable
- Information signposting following a bereavement and money towards funeral costs.
To access this service, the individual must be registered to a Lincolnshire GP.
Contact: 01476 513 544
Website: https://
General Financial Funds
Grant applications are free of charge and the majority are quick and easy to apply for. Individuals living with or affected by cancer may be eligible for additional support and grants are available both locally and nationally.
To learn more about what could be available to you, please see the links below.
What is the Purpose of the Grant?
The charity’s main objective is to provide relief for those in need in Bourne and the local area. The charity provides funding in two forms, through one off financial grant to help in difficult circumstances and through weekly financial payment known as ‘The Essex’.
What Could I Get?
Financial assistance - dependent on need
Who is the Grant For?
Eligible applicants will be a resident in the Parish of Bourne, Cawthorpe, Dyke or
Funding is not means testing, not restricted on condition or circumstance and there is no upper monetary limit.
What Area is Covered?
Bourne, Cawthorpe, Dyke and Twenty.
How Do I Apply?
Applications are open on a rolling basis.
Applications can be made by contacting the service.
Where Do I Find Out More?
Website: https:/
Enquiries: 01778 422387
What is the Purpose of the Grant?
The charity provides grants to individuals within Lincolnshire who require financial assistance during difficult times.
How Much Could I Get?
Up to £2,000
Who is the Grant For?
Eligible individuals could include:
Individuals with a disability or serious illness.
Those experiencing financial difficulties due to loss of work or ill health
What Area is Covered?
How Do I Apply?
Applications can be submitted throughout the year but will only be reviewed quarterly.
Applications can be made via the website.
Where Do I Find Out More?
What is the Purpose of the Grant?
The League of Helping Hand (LHH) provides financial support to people who are experiencing hardship due to illness or disability.
The grant aims of provide one-off support with:
- Essential household items such as a cooker, bed/bedding, fridge, washing machine, carpets etc.
- Heating costs/fares/travel expenses for hospital or regular appointments.
- Specialist equipment that cannot be obtained through Health or Social Services.
How Much Could I Get?
Up to £300
Who is the Grant For?
Applicants can be of any age but must be experiencing financial hardship, on a very low income or have an illness, disability, diagnosed mental health problem, learning disability or care for an adult or child who is disabled or ill.
What Area is Covered?
How Do I Apply?
Applications must be completed by a sponsor, who is a Health Professional, Social Services member, CAB, Housing association, Charity etc.
Applications are open on a rolling basis.
Where Do I Find Out More?
Website: www.
Enquiries: 01444 236099
Email: secretary
Financial Support for Health Costs
What is the Purpose of the Grant?
To give grants to individuals in need of healthcare support. The charity can fund diagnostics, surgery, and therapy for individuals at a range of Lincolnshire healthcare providers.
How Much Could I Get?
Dependant on need
Who is the Grant For?
Eligibility includes:
Must live in Lincolnshire.
Must have a diagnosis or healthcare need.
Must meet the financial criteria, which further details can be found on the website.
What Area is Covered?
How Do I Apply?
Contact the number or email below.
Where Do I Find Out More?
Email: bromheadmedical
Contact: 07818 961223
Website: https:/
What is the Purpose of the Grant?
The Frederick Andrew Convalescent Trust provides financial assistance to women following a recent illness or injury.
It can offer grants to access domestic help, taking short breaks away from the home and for therapy including physiotherapy, occupational therapy, speech therapist, chiropodists/podiatrists and counselling.
How Much Could I Get?
The costs of the support will be covered.
Who is the Grant For?
Women who have had a recent illness or injury
Not have received the Frederick Andrew Trust Grant in the last 4 years
What Area is Covered?
How Do I Apply?
To apply, complete an initial assessment form, which can be found via the website.
Where Do I Find Out More?
Contact: 01522 810159
Website: www.frederickandrewtrust.org
Financial Support for Adaptions
What is the Purpose of the Grant?
The grant aims to support individuals within their home in moving freely through the provision of home adaptions.
Funding can be allocated for:
- Widening doors
- Installing ramps
- Improving facilities or rooms with stair lifts or downstairs bathrooms
- Provide a heating system suitable to the persons needs
- Adapt heating or lighting control to make them easier to use.
How Much Could I Get?
Up to £30,000
Who is the Grant For?
Must own the property or be a tenant.
Meet the means-tested criteria
Eligibility and grant amount will be dependent on income and some individuals may be required to contribute towards costs.
An Occupational Therapist from Social Services must carry out an assessment and recommend the adaption.
Individuals must intend to live in the property following completion of work
10 years for owners and 5 years for tenants
What Area is Covered?
How Do I Apply?
Rolling applications.
Each locality will use their council website to provide information and application.
Where Do I Find Out More?
Contact: 01522 782155
Visit the local District Councils website.
What is the Purpose of the Grant?
The Trust provides grants to help people who are ill, convalescent or disabled.
Funding may be provided for a range of medical items and services to improve quality of life. This includes TENS machines, orthopaedic beds, hoists and household items such as washing machines.
How Much Could I Get?
Amounts will be discussed dependent on requirements and circumstance.
Who is the Grant For?
Applicants must:
- Have a medical condition, disability or poor health (if funding is limited preference with be given to people who have professional, secretarial, or administrative qualifications).
- Applications must be made by a health professional or social worker.
- Individuals must not have had a grant from the trust in the last three years.
What Area is Covered?
How Do I Apply?
Applications are open on a rolling basis.
Application forms can be downloaded via the website.
Where Do I Find Out More?
Website: http:/
Enquiries:020 7998 8817
Email: Ann.
What is the Purpose of the Grant?
The trust aims to assist as many people in need as they can to allow more people to have the ability to travel, move, socialise and live their lives.
Mobility Trust provides powered wheelchairs and scooters for people who have severe disabilities and who cannot obtain such equipment through other means.
How Much Could I Get?
Mobility Scooter or wheelchair and support with insurance and servicing (for a fixed period).
Who is the Grant For?
There is no set eligibility criteria, but to find out suitability for an application contact the enquiries team.
The Mobility Trust provides equipment such as wheelchairs and mobility scooters following an assessment by an independent Occupational Therapist (OT) sent by the Trust. The OT will then prescribe the most suitable piece of equipment for an individual.
What Area is Covered?
How Do I Apply?
Applications are open on a rolling basis.
Applications are by letter and details on the process can be found on the website.
Where Do I Find Out More?
Website: www.
Enquires: 0118 9842588
Financial Support for Home Costs
What is the Purpose of the Grant?
The Discretionary Housing Payments scheme provides additional payments to people who receive Housing Benefit or the Housing Element of Universal Credit who appear to need further help with their rent.
The fund aims to prevent homelessness, support people into employment, alleviate poverty, support the vulnerable in the local community and provide financial assistance for a short period of time due to personal crises.
They may be able to help with:
- Reductions in housing bills and payments short term.
- Rent deposits and rent in advance to assist with moving to more affordable alternative accommodation.
- Lump sum costs associated with a housing need such as removal costs to assist with moving to more affordable alternative accommodation.
How Much Could I Get?
Dependent on circumstance.
Who is the Grant For?
Eligible applicants:
- Local Housing Allowance is lower than your rent in private rented property.
- Housing Benefit or Universal Credit is reduced because of non-dependant deductions/housing costs contributions.
- Housing Benefit or Universal Credit is reduced because you are working age and it has been decided that you have a spare bedroom in social rented property (bedroom tax).
- Housing Benefit or Universal Credit is reduced due to the Benefit Cap.
What Area is Covered?
England, Scotland and Wales
How Do I Apply?
Applications are open on a rolling basis.
Applications will be made via the local authority website.
Website will be determined by the local authority in which the applicant lives.
Where Do I Find Out More?
For information regarding the fund: click here
What is the Purpose of the Grant?
The Trust helps women over the age of 50 in financial hardship, sickness or poor health. Funding will be provided for items such as cookers and fridges, removal costs, telephone bills and settling outstanding rent.
What does the grant cover?
Grants can be used for:
- funding removal costs
- paying telephone bills
- buying cookers & fridges
- Or settling outstanding rent.
Who is the Grant For?
- Must be female, over 50 and be in need due to financial hardship or poor health and have
- All applications must be supported by a third party such as Citizens Advice Bureau, housing association or other charitable organisations.
- Financial information and documentary evidence will be required.
What Area is Covered?
How Do I Apply?
Applications are open on a rolling basis.
Applications can be downloaded via the website.
Where Do I Find Out More?
Website: www.
Enquiries: info@sawyertrust.org
What is the Purpose of the Grant?
The Percy Bilton Charity supports individuals in need on low income with household essentials.
What does the grant cover?
- Washing machines
- Electric cookers
- Fridges/Freezers
- Beds and bedding
- Vacuum cleaners and portable heaters
- Carpets/Flooring where there is a health & safety issue
- Essential clothing and footwear
Who is the Grant For?
Eligible people include:
- Older People - individuals aged over 65 on low income.
- Disabled People - children or adults with a physical/learning disability or serious illness on low income or adults with severe and enduring mental health problem which prevents them from working.
- Only those referred by a health professional or social worker
What Area is Covered?
How Do I Apply?
Applications are open on a rolling basis.
Applications for funding should be made only by health professionals or social workers on behalf of the individual.
Where Do I Find Out More?
Website: https:/
Enquiries: 07961 918 949
Financial Support for Isolation
What is the Purpose of the Grant?
The fund focuses on connecting and re-connecting people with others in their community through the provision of mobility equipment. They support applications which combat loneliness and enable people to be active and engaged.
How Much Could I Get?
£100 to £1,000
What is the Grant For?
To reduce social isolation through support, enabling individuals to engage with their community. Items covered include:
- Manual and powered wheelchairs
- Mobility scooters
- Specialised trikes / bikes
- Car adaptations
What Area is Covered?
England, Scotland and Wales.
How Do I Apply?
Applications must be completed by a third party who knows the individual in a professional capacity.
Applications are open on a rolling basis and can be completed via the website.
Where Do I Find Out More?
Website: www.
Enquiries:0800 328 3328
Email: info