The Lincolnshire Cancer Summit took place on 8th June 2022, hosted very kindly at the University of Lincoln Medical School.
The aim of the Cancer Summit 2022 is to showcase the amazing work that is taking place across the Integrated Care System in Lincolnshire to support, diagnose and treat people suffering from cancer – whether it is themselves, someone they care for or someone close to them.
Our keynote speakers and workshops cover many parts of cancer pathways, from screening and early diagnosis, work taking place in primary care, work carried out in Lincolnshire’s Acute Trust and within communities and the voluntary and community
sector. We are also highlighting our continuing collaboration with the University of Lincoln and today we are launching ‘Shared Lives: Cancer’ which is a unique way of using patient stories told as part of research projects to support people living with cancer.
The focus of the Cancer Summit is Lincolnshire’s rurality and we are grateful to Professor Mark Gussy and the staff of the International Institute of Rural Health for allowing us to host you in this magnificent new building.
Our thanks go to all of our speakers and workshop leads for sharing their knowledge and dedicating their time to be involved today.
A special mention must go to members of our Macmillan Lincolnshire Living With Cancer Co-Production Group, some of whom are here today. This group has been in existence for three years and has continued throughout the Covid pandemic. They have given selflessly their own time month after month, using their own lived experience to positively influence the development of elements of the Living with Cancer Programme.
Thank you.
Catch up on workshops and keynote speakers delivered on the day below:
Workshops were held throughout the day, see the presentations from each workshop here:
Facilitators: Ellie Sadler – Macmillan Living with Cancer Community Development Programme Manager, Chloe North – Macmillan community Cancer Care Co-ordinator , Anna Chapman - Macmillan community Cancer Care Co-ordinator , Steph Wilkes – Macmillan Personalised Follow-up Project Manager, Lucy Rogers – Macmillan Senior Cancer Care Co-ordinator , Sam Lewis – Macmillan Personalisation Manager
This workshop will provide an introduction to the Living with Cancer programme, covering:
• Acute- diagnosis, treatment and initial HNAs
• Personalisation - PSFU and RMS, Personalisation Model
• Community - CCR, Community Care Co-ordinators, community services/assets
It will include a case study exercise followed by group feedback and learnings
The workshop aims to:
• Educate professionals working within Lincolnshire and further on the work within the LWC programme
• Provide networking opportunities to enhance collaborative working between systems, professionals and organisations
• Understand the patient pathway and support that is available for the people of Lincolnshire
• Gain confidence and understanding of support offerings available via the LWC programme
Facilitators: Jodie North - Rapid diagnostic service programme manager, Gavin Clarke – Cancer Project Manager
This workshop looks at the Rapid Diagnostic Service programme which supports earlier and faster diagnosis of cancer. It covers the Non Specific Symptoms pathway (Vague Symptoms pathway) which went live in Lincolnshire on July 12th 2021.Attendees will hear ‘Eleanors story’ and discuss how pathways can be shaped to ensure some of the issues Eleanor faced won’t happen in the future. The workshop will look at a whole pathway journey from GP referral to finishing treatment, and living with cancer and beyond.
Attendees will gain a good understanding of:
• The Rapid Diagnostic Service programme
• The Non Specific Symptoms pathway (Vague symptoms)
• The Faster Diagnosis standard
• Shaping the Future for Lincolnshire patients
Facilitators: Cath Koutna - Macmillan Living with Cancer Community Development Project Manager, Vicky Thompson – Chief Executive – Every-one
The Lincolnshire Macmillan Cancer Co-production Group.
Formed in May 2019, this dedicated group of people with lived experience of Cancer, come together to co-produce projects alongside the Living with Cancer Programme. Facilitated by Lincolnshire Charity, Every-One, the group give their time and energy to ensure that their experiences are used to help shape services for the better. Co-production is a fancy way of describing how people with lived experience come together with services to work together and improve them for all. This workshop will explore the benefits of true co-production and how ‘getting inside people’s heads’ builds a positive relationship and can make a real difference to how services are designed and how professionals approach their work.
Attendees will gain a better understanding of:
• What Co-production is
• What co-production is not
• General principles and examples of how to get the best out of co-production
• The Lincolnshire Macmillan Cancer co-production Group , how the group came together and what it has achieved.
Attendees will be asked to reflect on how they can use co-production approaches in their work, at both a service design level and a personal level.
Facilitator: Kathie McPeake – Macmillan Cancer Development Manager
The LWC programme is now in its final year of external funding from Macmillan Cancer Support. This workshop covers the history of the programme; what has been achieved and how work will continue in the future.
How can the learning from the Living with Cancer programme influence the delivery of support for people living with cancer in other parts of the country, and for people with other long-term conditions?
Attendees will learn more about:
• Whole system approaches to transformation
• The importance of involving people with lived experience
• Asset based approaches to support
• Strategy development
• Sustainability plans
This workshop will cover:
• What prehab is
• The potential benefits of prehab to the NHS and the patient
• How prehab is being developed in United Hospitals NHS Trust
• The goals for further development of Prehab in Lincolnshire
The workshop aims to provide attendees with:
• An understand of what prehab is
• Knowledge of the development of Lincolnshire Cancer Prehab
• Knowledge around how prehab can benefit the patient and the NHS
• Ability to identify and refer patients to prehab when they are diagnosed with cancer
Facilitators: Alice Carter – Head of Healthier Communities, Lincoln City Foundation, William Poole – Health and Wellbeing Leader, Lincoln City Foundation
The workshop will give an overview of the Fighting Fit physical activity programme and its role within cancer prehab and rehabilitation.
Fighting Fit is designed to help individuals to maintain or increase physical activity levels at a pace that suits them and support in the fight against cancer and long-term health conditions. Sessions focus on low impact fitness designed to help build back balance, posture, strength, and flexibility, and our led by a Level 4 qualified coach in Cancer and Exercise Rehabilitation. It's not all about the body though - group sessions allow individuals to connect with people with shared experiences and gain peer to peer support.
This workshop will include reflections and impact studies from Fighting Fit participants, which will emphasise the role of physical activity for those living with cancer.
Attendees will develop an understanding of the Fighting Fit programme in Lincolnshire, and improve their awareness of the benefits of physical activity for people living with cancer.
Facilitator: Dr Darren Fernandes – Specialist Registrar in Gastroenterology
Based on the common conditions that patients develop following treatment for colorectal cancer relating to surgery, chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy, this workshop will provide a brief overview on:
• Trends of colorectal cancer over the last few decades
• Development of treatments over time and role of neoadjuvant and adjuvant therapies
• Trends in survival recognised frequency of side effects and describe the findings of previous studies
There will be discussion on the lack of data on treatment outcomes when patients with toxicity are identified, as well the lack of studies to look at how best to manage well established issues such as anterior resection syndrome etc.
Attendees will hear how best to identify symptoms, and will learn about the specialist clinic that is run at Lincoln. In particular, how difficulties were overcome (e.g. COVID and virtual appointments).
Findings and management approaches to the patients seen in clinic will also be shared with attendees, including:
• The pathophysiology surrounding the common conditions that patients develop following treatment.
• How to diagnose and treat conditions like Bile Acid Malabsorption, Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth, Pancreatic Exocrine Insufficiency, Constipation.
• Importance of diet – discussion around monitoring fat intake, fibre and caffeine.
• Helpful tips that can be given to patients to cope with symptoms – e.g. use of RADAR key etc.
Attendees will feel more confident in gaining a clearer history from patients treated for colorectal cancer that then go on to develop gastrointestinal symptoms. This should enable them to identify patients that require help with managing these issues. They should feel able to request routine investigations that will diagnose common conditions that can be treated without needing to wait for specialist input.
Facilitator: Dr David Nelson - Research Fellow in Rural Health & Care
The Lincoln International Institute for Rural Health (LIIRH) conducts interdisciplinary research to address the most important health issues facing rural communities locally, nationally, and internationally. Co-located at the Lincoln Medical School with the National Centre for Rural Health and Care (NCRH) and the Community and Health Research Unit (CaHRU), LIIRH aim to shine a light on the unacceptable health inequities that exist across the rural-urban divide and to find innovative ways of reducing that inequality.
Working with Cancer Research UK, Macmillan Cancer Support, East Midlands Cancer Alliance, NHS trusts, and health and social care professionals LIIRH now has an ongoing portfolio in relation to cancer research.
This workshop will provide a general overview of LIIRH, with a particular focus on some of its cancer-related projects.
Facilitators: Heidi A Green, Team Lead, Shared Lives®; Dr. Sam Cooke, Research Associate, University of Lincoln; Dr. Ros Kane, Associate Professor, University of Lincoln
This workshop will cover:
• What is Shared Lives®: Cancer and how was it developed?
• Disseminating lived cancer experience through academic research
• Role of Shared Lives®: Cancer as a self-management and wellbeing support for people living with cancer
• Developing Shared Lives®: Cancer
• Lessons learnt developing a novel web-based tool to support people living with and affected by cancer
There will be a Q&A session and live demonstration of SL:C website and search function.
Learning outcomes will include:
• A greater understanding and awareness of Shared Lives®: Cancer and its functionality
• To understand Shared Lives®: Cancer role as a tool for knowledge translation
• Elucidate the developmental process in the creation of Shared Lives®: Cancer role
• Elucidate lessons learnt developing Shared Lives®: Cancer role
• Support attendees to advocate for and make use of SL:C as a peer support digital resource for people affected by cancer.
• Effective sharing of knowledge, practices, and the technologies of Shared Lives®: Cancer.
Facilitator: Dr Pawan Rander, GP Cancer Lead for East Midlands Cancer Alliance
This workshop will cover:
• The PCN DES – expectations and reality
• Cancer Screening and how to improve uptake
• Changes in cancer pathways
• Cancer Safety Netting
• The best educational resources for the whole team
• Best supportive resources for patients
Delegates attending this workshop will gain an understanding of:
• The PCN DES and practical ideas around delivery
• How to improve screening uptake at practice and PCN levels
• Changes to FIT
• How to apply safety netting to daily practice
Delegates will also learn about accessing best practice educational tools for professional
appraisal and learning, and signposting to patient support online resources.